Blogging in a Van
- By admin
- May 4, 2016
- No Comments
It was my mother, Gladys. Who introduced me to blogging. Whenever I was away for long periods of time she would keep me up to date with the joys and travails of life at home. Of course in those days it was called letter writing; she would write a bit each day and send me the total sum at the end of the week. I still have many of these blogs stored away in an old suitcase. It is a great memory aide and reminder those times and Gladys.
In years to come we hope this blog will serve to remind Graeme & I of the trip and the year spent in a space not much bigger than the average bathrooom. Although a lack of certainty, recently, as to which day we went to Deft may indicate that such prompts will be required much sooner. In the meantime we hope our Travels in a van blog will keep us in touch with family and friends throughout what we hope will be a blissful year of experiencing other European cultures, food, music, and sights.
I must thank my daughter-in-law, Laura, who has set up this blog and produced a detailed instruction sheet (and I mean detailed!) for me to digest and follow. Neither have I manged yet but with phone calls, texts and whatsapp support a blog is slowly emerging.