
IMG_20160506_123841IMG_20160506_124022Kolding marina was busy with yachts arriving and leaving as we cycled out of the boatyard. We were heading for the Trapholt Museum where there is a prototype of a housing system designed by architect & designer, Arne Jacobson. The route followed the sea, although well above the coastline. The houses we past were stunning, very modern, very different and all with fabulous views of the sea. We learnt later this was the rich end of town. The museum was full of diverse and interesting exhibitions from all over the world including many community projects. I thought one of the best and most quirky was a knitted village. A Danish artist had organised groups of people to knit triangles and used these to create houses, stairs and windows. You can see the results in the photos. We also had a tour of the Arne Jacobson house which despite it being built in 1970 is very present day and what seems like an early manifestation of the ikea flat pack house.

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